Since it is incurable, long-term psoriasis management should be considered. Here are a few ways to control the impact of foot psoriasis on your health:
Over-the-counter remedies for foot psoriasis
Topical ointments, along with medication, can effectively mitigate your painful symptoms of foot psoriasis. Your body will build up a tolerance to many of these over-the-counter remedies, so you should consider alternating the following treatments:
- Coal tar. Coal tar, deriving from both coal and wood, can aid in slowing the rapid growth of skin cells. Higher concentrations of coal tar may lessen the severity of itching, inflammation, and scaling.
- Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a peeling agent that promotes shedding of the outer layers of skin. It helps to remove psoriasis scales and softens the foot skin.
- Anti-inflammatory medications. Anti-inflammatory medications or NSAIDs, work to alleviate the pain from cracked, bleeding skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of these medications reduce the chance of psoriasis flare-ups and your body’s response to the pain.
Draw yourself a warm bath
A warm bath is an excellent way to relax your body while simultaneously treating your symptoms of foot psoriasis. Soaking in warm water for 15 minutes a day can help loosen scales and remove dry skin. If you add Epsom salt, the exfoliating properties of the product will assist in further removal of dead skin, and alleviating itchiness. Avoid hot water and heavy soaps, as these products can exacerbate your symptoms.
Develop a healthier lifestyle
Your lifestyle plays an important role in the severity of your foot psoriasis symptoms. Many changes can be made to improve your quality of life, including:
Cutting out alcohol and nicotine consumption. Alcohol and cigarettes are proven to worsen your symptoms. These intoxicants lower your response to treatment, as well as weakening your immune system’s ability to fight foot psoriasis.
Making healthier food choices. Obesity and high body mass index are directly linked to an increased risk of developing psoriasis. Fat cells secrete proteins that are responsible for inflammation. Severe psoriasis is associated with increased risk in heart problems later in life, accompanied with obesity; these two conditions could prove to be fatal.
Omega-3 fatty acids, usually found in fish, are immune system boosters. With psoriasis, your immune system is in jeopardy, it needs all the help it can get.
Diets that are high in fruits and vegetables can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Consider eating more kale, sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli.
Lean meats, like chicken and turkey, are excellent low-fat options. Avoiding fatty red meats, which increase inflammation of the body, can lessen the impact of your foot psoriasis.
Managing your foot psoriasis requires effort, but don’t be discouraged! These easy at-home remedies will help alleviate persistent pain, and have you back on your feet again in no time!
If you can no longer manage the pain of foot psoriasis, Kansas City Foot Specialists can help. We can diagnose your symptoms, and prescribe appropriate medication to alleviate the pain caused by high foot psoriasis. Call us at (913) 338-4440 or contact us online so that we can work toward relieving your pain.