Check out these tips to help boost foot health:
- Watch out for injury. Men and women who are active in physical activities are at risk to encounter foot and ankle injuries. Pay attention to protecting your feet, and don’t brush off pain. Foot pain is not normal. If it hurts, see a doctor.
- Wear the right shoes. This is almost a subcategory of watching out for injury. Wearing the right shoes during an activity can help protect you from injury. However, it’s just as important to wear properly fitted shoes for daily activities. Don’t wear shoes that are too tight, too big, or uncomfortable for the sake of fashion or because you don’t think it matters.
- Wash your toes. Nobody likes to be around someone with stinky feet, but washing your toes is also good for your foot health. Dirt and bacteria can easily build up between unwashed toes and lead to development of conditions such as Athlete’s Foot. Yuck.
- Trim your nails. One of the most common foot conditions we see at Kansas City Foot Specialists is ingrown toenails. While ingrown toenails may be unavoidable for some due to genetics, others can avoid this painful condition by trimming nails properly. Cut straight across the nail, and not around or too deep into the edges, which promotes nail growth into the skin.
- Protect your feet in public facilities. Locker rooms and public showers are hotbeds for bacteria thanks to the warm and humid environment of these facilities. Wearing shower sandals can go great lengths in protecting your feet from exposure to bacteria that causes conditions such as Athlete’s Foot or plantar warts. Yuck, again.
- Exfoliate. That’s right, exfoliate. Most exfoliation marketing is targeted toward women who want smooth and beautiful skin, but exfoliation is actually good for your skin whether you are a male or female. Exfoliating your feet can help remove bacteria and dirt buildup. Doing this once or twice a week with a good scrub keeps your feet healthy and feels great too.
Do you or someone you know have questions about foot and ankle health? Are you experiencing pain in your feet and need to see a doctor? Call us at (913) 338-4440 or contact us online today about preventing and treating foot conditions!